Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Quiet Contemplation::10

Can you think of a nicer place to take swim lessons?
This is Pike Lake Provincial Park.
A 15 minute drive from our town.
She swims at 9am every day this week.
On Monday we saw a doe with two fawns.
Today we had to stop to let
a mama duck and her 7 ducklings
waddle to the other side of the road.

And when she is finished her lesson
we walk over to the beach area.
She almost has the entire place to herself.
Me, I sit on a blanket in the shade and watch.
Here she is entering the water as a penguin, of course.

And after about an hour I tell her it is time to go.
This mama can't take the heat anymore.
And just as I say it,
another mama with another daughter
sit down on a blanket a little way from us.
She sees Athena, runs toward the water shouting
at the top of her lungs,
"Do you know that dinosaurs are reptiles
and that they lay eggs? My name is Tyrannosaurus!

So I sat back on my blanket,
picked up my book,
 (Anne of Green Gables if you must know)
and settled back in.
I knew I would be staying for just a while longer.

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