Thursday, January 31, 2013

Twenty Four

I often wonder what a typical day in people's lives look like. Not the special days, just the basic "ordinary" day. Yesterday I took the pains to write down almost everything I did and it looked something like this:

6:30am -Get up, have coffee, check emails and blogs, read paper.
7:30am -Get dressed, start breakfast. Hash browns in the waffle maker(interesting) one egg, toast. Take recycle out to the garage
8:30am -Start bread, make bed, wash breakfast dishes and clean up kitchen
9am -Athena starts her math, I look over my daily 'to-do' list and realize
that the cat snuck into the garage when I took out the recycle and
she is crying at the door because she is freezing. She spends the rest of the morning curled up on a heating vent. I fill up Athena's vitamins
for the week.

10am -Punch down bread and shape it into loaves. Talk on the phone to my  expectant daughter who is doing laps in the mall to bring on labour.
Athena watches her 20 minute episode of TreeFu Tom.
10:30am -Athena sits at her modelling clay table and listens to Pippi      
Longstocking. Our first book on CD. She loves this. Thanks to Sarah
and the Read Aloud Revival. I put the bread into the oven, set the
timer for 33 minutes, run down to the treadmill and start a 30 minute
program. The cat watches me.

(I swear I cut the dough exactly in half but every time one loaf is markedly larger)

11:00 am- Back upstairs with 29 seconds to spare until the bread is baked.
Back to the classroom for spelling, Latin and Copywork.
Noon -Athena starts to make a thank you note for her Aunt and Uncle for a birthday gift she got in the mail. I go outside in -36C to pick up dog
poop ( I do this each and every day so there are no surprises in the spring) and shovel the walk so the paper girl won't just throw the paper in the snow like she did this morning. Brrr.
12:30 - Lunch. Salad, leftover pizza and cold chicken drumsticks.

1:00pm -Science. Continuing our winter study. Snowflakes, sun dogs, ice and
 quinzees. How fitting.
1:40pm -Have a heated discussion with a telemarketer from a collection agency
that calls every day leaving messages on the phone for someone we do
not know. This is the third time we have tried to get our number 
off of this list. She says we are not calling your number even though
I pressed redial to get a hold of them in the first place. (not my proudest moment)
2:00pm -Deposit Athena's piggy bank money into the bank. $50. There is a
machine at Safeway in the city and all you do is dump your coins in
and they sort and count it and give you the cash. All for a fee of 12%.
A bit costly but Canada is getting rid of the penny and she had 900 of them the tally said. Well worth the time saved. Pick up a package at the post office, get mail, chat with the post mistress. Drop of books at the
library. Chat with the librarian. Go to the corner store for milk and cheezies for the girl. (Don't judge)
2:45pm -Attempt to type a reply email to my sister in law while my fingers
are frozen solid.
3:00pm - Athena starts to read a book she got at the library and eats the
cheezies. I go upstairs to my yoga studio and practice.

4:05pm - Finished yoga, Athena is scooting around the kitchen and my daughter calls to say she is NOT in labour. While I am talking with her Paul callsto tell me he will be late. Again. And while I am talking to him, my oldest daughter calls to chat as she got off of work a bit early today. While I talk with her I sliced both loaves of bread and bagged them,put away lunch dishes (oops) and did some dinner prep.
5:20pm -Take Athena to dance class in this FREEZING COLD.
5:40pm - Paul gets home from his road trip. The dog starts bawling because
she is so happy to see him. Most of the time you can find her in her kennel in the depths of despair when he is away overnight. I finish getting dinner ready.

6:15pm - I pour a glass of wine and visit with Paul who has just come back from picking Athena up from dance. Supper simmers.
6:40pm - We eat dinner (a few minutes late. Usually it is 6:30) and share all
the stories from our days.
7:45pm- I run Athena's bath, Paul does dishes.
8:30pm - Athena gets her bedtime massage and cuddles from me and then I
go downstairs and pick up my knitting. My left hand aches a bit and hope it is not Arthritis and know it isn't. It's just the constant chill in the air.
9:30pm - I go have a shower. A long shower to warm my chilly bones.
10:00pm - Bed. I am thinking about my daughter and wondering if there will
be a new grandbaby tomorrow.
5:00am - I get a phone call from my 8 year old granddaughter to say Mom is in
the hospital and she puked. Today is the day!!!

UPDATE: IT'S A GIRL! (that makes 8 in a row for our family and number 9 girl is due in May)


Madcap said...

Hi, I've been reading for a while now and I thought I'd delurk. I'm a prairie girl too, and we're also homeschoolers (of the unschooling variety). Congratulations on the new grandbaby, and on your beautiful family and life!

Unknown said...

You are so productive on an average day! I love hearing about your and Athena's dailiness. Huge congrats on your new sweet grand-girl!